Attendance & CTLE Credit
NYSATA is a New York State Education Department (NYSED) approved Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor. NYSED requires documentation and verification of attendance for CTLE credit. In an effort keep this documentation process simple yet maintain accuracy and appropriate records, NYSATA has established a specific CTLE certification process for our conference attendees.
All participants should follow the same process whether you need to officially document CTLE hours for certification or to simply provide verification of attendance for your school district. Attendees are responsible for maintaining their own CTLE records and obtaining whatever pre-approval is required by their school or district for credit.
STEP 1—Document your Attendance Hours Find the Attendance Record Form in your conference program or download it here. Use it to record the workshops you attend and enter the WORSKSHOP CODE, category (P—Pedagogy, C—Content, ELL—English Language Learning), and number of minutes for each workshop.
Learning categories are not assigned by NYSATA. Use your professional judgement to select a category based on the content of the workshop. Minutes can be divided among two categories if appropriate to the content of the workshop.
The WORKSHOP CODE is a four-digit number that will be provided at the end of each session by the session presenter. The code is your verification of attendance. Please try to record the code and number of minutes immediately at the end of each session. If you miss a code, you can go back once the recordings are posted in the Whova app to retrieve it.
The session Q&A in the Whova app is visible to everyone who is registered for the conference. Please do not post codes in the session Q & A to help out another participant.Â
STEP 2—For CTLE Credit, Obtain a NYSED-ÂCompliant CTLE Certificate Go to the CTLE/Attendance Certification Link (button below) and enter your total hours in each category. An automated NYSED-Âcompliant certificate will be generated as confirmation email of your form submission. CHECK YOUR EMAIL for the confirmation (certificate). Please print the certificate and attach it to your Attendance Record. The certificate is valid only with the accompanying Attendance Record. NYSED CTLE regulations require teachers to keep copies of CTLE evidence (both the certificate and record form) for eight years. NYSATA cannot accept responsibility for lost certificates.
The Online CTLE CERTIFICATION FORM will remain open until April 1, 2025
Points to Remember
- The CTLE certificate must include the dates of the actual live event. You will enter your own hours. Districts vary widely in their policy for in-person and online credit, esspecially for recorded sessions. Please check with your district for any prior approval necessary.
- CTLE codes will be avialable at the end of recorded session videos approximately 2 weeks after the event. You will enter your hours and can still verify attendance for recordings after the event for CTLE/Attendance if doing so is in accordance with your district policy.
- NYSATA volunteers are NOT able to verify your attendance in lieu of using the CTLE code.Â
- All CTLE must be provided by a NYSED approved sponsor. NYSATA is an approved CTLE sponsor. Our sponsor number will appear on your final CTLE Credit Certification
- All teachers are required to register with the TEACH system and track their CTLE.
- NYSED requires that teachers maintain CTLE records (both the certificate and verfication form) for a minimum of 8 years.
- For more information about CTLE regulations, visit