New York State Art Teachers Association
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R4 Mindfulness in Art Making
Saturday, April 27, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Category: Region 4

Description of Workshop: Whether you are in the classroom or in your own studio space, this workshop will give you tools to use art making as a mindfulness practice. Starting with brief journal "de-gunking" and intention setting, the art making time is designed to let you focus on the process of making art and let go of the "end product." This practice allows you (and potentially your students) to engage playfully with materials, react spontaneously, and stretch and explore. The artmaking time is bookended with witness writing (journaling about what you notice or see in the work and what you experienced). The workshop will be split into two halves, so participants can try 2 different mediums in their mindfulness art practice. 

Presenters: Jessica Stratton, Lansing CSD & Ashley Hughes, Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton CSD


Class size limited to 10

Coffee, Water and Muffins will be available. Bring your own mug!

Free to Region 4 members, $10 Non-Members, $5 Other NYSATA Regions

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