Awards & Honors
NYSATA rewards commitment to excellence in art education among members and supporters of the art education community with a series of awards that are presented annually at the state conference.
NYSATA's New York State Art Educator of the Year Award Nominations are open to any individual member who meets the specific criteria for this most prestigious award. A previous or current Region Art Educator Awardee can be nominated for this award but the nomination must be made separately for this award.
Candidates for nomination must be members in good standing who have demonstrated commitment and dedication to the field of art education and to NYSATA over an extended period of years. These individuals must have practiced exemplary teaching, strong advocacy, and have made an impact on those around them in their school, region, and state as well as within the association.
Through personal devotion, compassion and helpfulness to students and colleagues, and commitment to supporting the field of art education, candidates for this award exemplify what it means to be the New York State Art Educator of the Year. Nominations for this award are due to the State Awards Chair by May 1.
The recipient of this award is recognized by the National Art Education Association each spring at the NAEA annual National Convention.
Regional Art Educator of the Year Each of NYSATA's ten regions chooses one outstanding art educator annually for outstanding contributions to the field of art education and service to the regional and state organization. Each nominee must be a NYSATA member in good standing.
Nominations due to Region Chair by April 1. Region Chairs will forward Region awardee materials to State Awards Chair by May 1.
Raymond C. Henry Award A grant of $500 is awarded annually to a NYSATA member to aid in the development of a specialized art education project or study which will benefit the individual and members of the art education profession.
All application materials due to State Awards Chair by May 1. Ray Henry Award Application  Raymond C. Henry Award Project Outline Requirements  Raymond C. Henry Award Description and Criteria 
Outstanding Service Award Retiree Awarded at the time of retirement for outstanding service to NYSATA. Nominee must be an active or associate member for at least 15 years prior to retirement. Regions may choose to select a regional awardee to honor within their region. Nominees may be forwarded to the state awards chair for consideration of state level recognition at the annual conference. The NYSATA Standardized Vita Form MUST be used for this nomination.
Nominations due to State Awards Chair by May 1.
Special Citations for Member, Non-Member, Business/Institution, or School/University
Awarded to a member, non-member, institution/corporation, or school district/university that has made a significant contribution to art education. Recipients are presented with a plaque at the annual conference.
Nominations due to State Awards Chair by May 1.
Questions? [email protected]
Members should submit completed regional awards nomination materials to your region chair by April 1 and all state awards nominations materials to the State Awards Chair at [email protected] by May 1.
Region chairs should forward all signed Region Awards materials by May 1 to the state Awards Chair at [email protected]
2023 Honorees |
Student Scholarships Click here for details
Raymond C. Henry Award Kelly Verdi (Region 10)
Special Citation Award–Business or Institution Boxcar Press (Region 3) Stone Quarry Hill Art Park (Region 3) Saltonstall Foundation (Region 4) Albany Centerr Gallerry (Region 6)
Special Citation School/District Hicksville High School (Region 9)
Special Citation Award–Member Linsdsay Kranz (Region 1) Dr. Vncent Arnone (Region 1)
New York State Art Educator of the Year Heather McCutcheon (Region 3)
Outstanding Service/Retirement Lisa Conger (Region 7) Jane Berzner (Region 9)
Regional Art Educators of the Year Region 1: Rachel Lyons Region 2: Dr. Samantha Nolte-Yupari Region 3: Kelly Holmes Region 4: Ellen Pennock Region 5: Ingrid Van Slyke Region 6: Melanie Painter Region 7: Tracy Berges Region 8: Lara Tyson Region 9: Janis Boremski Region 10: Theresa Bianco |
NYS Art Educator of the Year Award Recipients |
2023 Heather McCutcheon (Region 3) 2022 Valerie Savage (Region 2) 2021 Michelle Schroeder (Region 1) 2020 Sharon Ciccone (Region 7) 2019 Patricia Groves (Region 2) 2018 Thomas Knab (Region 1) 2017 Robert Wood (Region 7) 2016 Jennifer Childress (Region 6) 2015 Cindy Henry (Region 4) 2014 Kathleen Pfeifer (Region 4) 2013 Janice Oldak (Region 9) 2012 Margaret Johnson (Region 7) 2011 Shannon Elliott (Region 2) 2010 Theresa Crowningshield (Region 5) 2009 Beth Atkinson (Region 9)
2008 Anne Rickard (Region 5) 2007 Patricia Beary (Region 9) 2006 Dianne Knapp (Region 7) 2005 Jennifer Matott (Region 3) 2004 Gary Bates (Region 9) 2003 Michele Klatch (Region 9) 2002 Martha Rogala (Region 1) 2001 Barbara Bonnie Deutsch (Region 7) 2000 Jane Berzner (Region 9) 1999 Bruce Adams (Region 1) 1998 Jessica Bayer (Region 9) 1997 Douglas Vitarius (Region 4) 1996 Karen Smith-Collins (Region 3) 1995 Hope Irvine (Region 3) 1994 Frances Battistoni (Region 6) 1993 Lee Ann Northup (Region 6)
1992 Harry Posnanski (Region 10) 1991 Jeanette Pace (Region 6) 1990 Joan Davidson (Region 8) 1989 Barbara Salisch (Region 6) 1988 Frank Vurraro (Region 6) and John Rogers (Region 1) 1987 George Mesologites (Region 9) 1986 Syvia Corwin (Region 8) 1985 Prabha Sahasrabudhe (Region 10) 1984 Not awarded 1983 Not awarded 1982 Thelma Stevens (Region 9) 1981 Raymond C. Henry (Region 6) 1980 E. Andrew Mills (Region 6) 1979 Stanley Czurles (Region 1) 1978 Nancy Meyers (Region 4)